Lauriane Rat-fischer

Enseignant-chercheur / Enseignante-chercheuse


Enseignante Chercheuse (MCF) en Neurosciences / Associate Professor in Neurosciences


Laboratoire Ethologie Cognition Développement - Université Paris Nanterre - 200 avenue de la République - 92001 Nanterre Cedex
Site personnel


Psychologie, Neurosciences

Disciplines enseignées

Biologie / Life sciences
Cognition comparée / Comparative cognition
Comportements parentaux / Parenting behaviors
Le cerveau aux différents âges de la vie / Brain development
Neuroanatomie / Neuroanatomy
Psychologie du développement / Developmental Psychology
Psychobiologie / Psychobiology
Statistiques / Statistics

Thèmes de recherche

Cognition comparée et développement humain et animal
Apprentissages, résolution de problèmes, utilisation d'outils, émotions, humour, imitation
Coordinatrice scientifique du projet ANR EmoLearn

Research interests
Compared cognition, development in humans and non-human animals
Learning, problem-solving, tool-use, emotions, humour, imitation
Scientific coordinator of the EmoLearn Project

Curriculum Vitae

Sept 2018 - présent : Maitre de Conférence (MCF) / Associate Professor
Département de Psychologie (SPSE)
Université Paris Nanterre, France

Sept 2016 - Août 2018 : Chercheur Post-doctoral / Post-doctoral researcher
Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse (IAST)
Université Toulouse 1 Capitole, France

Déc 2013 - Août 2016 : Chercheur Post-doctoral / Post-doctoral researcher (Dir. Alex Kacelnik)
Department of Biology, Department of Experimental Psychology
University of Oxford, Royaume-Uni (UK)

Mars 2010 - Novembre 2013 : Doctorante / PhD student (Dir. Jacqueline Fagard & J. Kevin O'Regan)
Integrative Neuroscience & Cognition Center - INCC (formerly "Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception - LPP")
CNRS Université Paris Descartes, France

Informations complémentaires

Page HAL

Lois-Milevicich, J., Rat-Fischer, L., de la Colina, M. A., Orencio Gómez, R., Reboreda, J. C., & Kacelnik, A. (2024). Mechanical problem solving by plush-crested jays: Are tools special after all? Animal Cognition, in press.
Rat-Fischer, L., Plunkett, K., von Bayern, A.M.P., Kacelnik, A. 2024. Object Play and Problem-Solving in Infancy: Insights into Tool Use. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 244, doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2024.105957
Jeancolas, L., Rat-Fischer*, L. (*corresponding author), O’Regan, J.K., & Fagard, J. 2022. Can Infants Generalize Tool Use From Spoon to Rake at 18 Months? Journal of Motor Learning and Development, 10, 412–428, doi:10.1123/jmld.2022-0006
Rat-Fischer, L. 2020/2. Ontogenetic Development of Human Cognition: Fields of Research, Methods and Perspectives. In A. de Beaune Sophie (Eds), Emergence and evolution of human cognition, Intellectica, 73, (pp.159-179), doi: n/a.
Petkovic, M., Rat-Fischer, L. & Fagard, J. 2016. The emergence of tool use in preterm infants. Frontiers in Psychology, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01104
Fagard, J., Rat-Fischer, L., Esseily, R., Somogyi, E., O'Regan, J.K. 2016. What does it take for an infant to learn how to use a tool by observation? Frontiers in Psychology, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00267
Somogyi, E., Ara, C., Gianni, E., Rat-Fischer, L., Fattori, P., O’Regan, J.K., Fagard, J. 2015. The roles of observation and manipulation in learning to use a tool, Cognitive Development, 35, 186-200.
Fagard, J., Florean, C., Petkovic, M., Rat-Fischer, L., Fattori, P., O'Regan, J.K. 2015. When do infants understand that they can obtain a desired part of a composite object by grasping another part? Infant Behavior and Development, 41, 169-178.
Jacobs, I., von Bayern, A., Martin-Ordas, G., Rat-Fischer, L., Osvath, M. 2015. Corvids create novel causal interventions after all. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 282(1806).
Esseily, R., Rat-Fischer, L., Somogyi, E., O'Regan, K., & Fagard, J. 2015. Humor (production) may enhance observational learning of a new tool use action in 18-month-old infants. Cognition and Emotion, 30(4), 817–825.
Rat-Fischer, L., O'Regan, J.K., & Fagard, J. 2014. Comparison of active and purely visual performance in a multiple-string means-end task in infants. Cognition, 133(1), 304-316.
Fagard, J., Rat-Fischer, L., & O'Regan, J.K. 2014. The emergence of use of a rake-like tool: a longitudinal study in human infants. Frontiers in Psychology, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00491
Esseily, R., Rat-Fischer, L., O'Regan, J.K., & Fagard, J. 2013. Understanding the experimenter's intention enables 16-month-olds to successfully perform a novel tool use action. Cognitive Development, 28(1), 1-9.
Rat-Fischer, L., O'Regan, J.K., & Fagard, J. 2012a. Handedness in infants' tool use. Developmental Psychobiology, 55(8), 860–868. doi: 10.1002/dev.21078
Rat-Fischer, L., O'Regan, J.K., & Fagard, J. 2012b. The emergence of tool use during the second year of life. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 113(3), 440-446.
Fagard, J., Rat-Fischer, L., & O'Regan, J.K. 2012. Comment le bébé accède-t-il à la notion d'outil ? Enfance, 64(1), 73-84.
Lerch, A., Rat-Fischer, L., & Nagle, L. 2012. Condition-dependent choosiness for highly attractive songs in female canaries. Ethology, 119 (1), 58-65.
Péron F., Rat-Fischer L., Lalot M., Nagle L. & Bovet D. 2011. Cooperative problem solving in African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus). Animal Cognition, 14, 545-553. 
Lerch A., Rat-Fischer L., Gratier M. & Nagle L. 2011. Diet quality affects male choice in domestic female canary Serinus canaria. Ethology, 117, 769-776. 
Belguermi A., Bovet D., Pascal A., Prévot-Julliard A-C., Saint Jalme M., Rat-Fischer L., Leboucher G. 2011. Pigeons discriminate between human feeders. Animal Cognition, 14, 909-14.
Péron F., Rat-Fischer L., Nagle L. & Bovet D. 2010. Unwilling versus unable: Do grey parrots understand human intentional actions? Interaction Studies, 11(3), 428-441.

Mis à jour le 29 novembre 2024