Version française Annuaire du personnel
Publications Sélectionnées
Goumi, A., & Guéraud, S. (2022). Multitâche numérique et compréhension : une revue de la littérature. Psychologie française.
Goumi, A., & Besançon, M. (2019). 2 B kreativ’or not to be creative: Textisms and texters’ creativity. Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée, 69(4), 100470.
Bernicot, J., Goumi, A., Bert-Erboul., A. & Volckaert-Legrier, O. (2014). How do skilled and less-skilled spellers write text messages? A longitudinal study of sixth and seventh graders. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 30(6), 559–576.
Bernicot, J., Volckaert-Legrier, O., Goumi, A., & Bert-Erboul, A. (2012). Forms and functions of SMS messages: A study of variations in a corpus written by adolescents. Journal of Pragmatics, 44, 1701-1715.
Bernicot, J., Volckaert-Legrier, O., Goumi, A., & Bert-Erboul, A. (2012). SMS Experience and Textisms in Young Adolescents: Presentation of a Longitudinally Collected Corpus. Linguisticae Investigationes, 35(2), 181-198. doi:
Goumi, A., Volckaert-Legrier, O., Bert-Erboul, A., & Bernicot, J. (2011). SMS length and function: a comparative study of 13 to 18 year-old girls and boys. European Review of Applied Psychology, 61(4), 175-184.
Rouet, J.-F., Ros, C., Goumi, A., Macedo-Rouet, M., & Dinet, J. (2011). The influence of surface and deep cues on primary and secondary school students' assessment of relevance in Web menus. Learning and Instruction, 21(2), 205-219.
Rouet, J.-F., & Goumi, A. (2010). L'entraînement des stratégies de compréhension en lecture : Apports des technologies numériques. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant, 107-108, 191-198.