Version française / Annuaire du personnel
M. Oulmann Zerhouni
Enseignant-chercheur / Enseignante-chercheuse
Psychologie, psychologie clinique, psychologie sociale, Psychologie
Disciplines enseignées
- Psychologie Sociale
- Psychologie de la Santé
- Méthodologie
- Psychologie de la Santé
- Méthodologie
Thèmes de recherche
Comportements de santé, attitudes et motivations politiques, autorégulation, addiction
Curriculum Vitae
Articles publiés dans des revues à comité de lecture
1. Bègue, L., Bushman, B., Zerhouni, O., Subra, B., & Ourabah, M. (2013). Beauty is in the Eye of the Beer Holder’: People Who Think They are Drunk also Think They are Attractive. British Journal of Psychology, 104(2), 225-234.
2. Zerhouni, O., Bègue, L., Brousse, G., Carpentier, F., Dematteis, M., Pennel, L., Swendsen, J. & Cherpitel, C. (2013). Alcohol and Violence in the Emergency Room: A Review and Perspectives from Psychological and Social Sciences. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Special Issue: Alcohol Abuse: Newer Approaches to an Old Problem., 10(10), 4584-4606.
3. Flaudias, V., de Chazeron, I., Zerhouni, O., Boudesseul, J., Bègue, L., Bouthier, R, Levrier, C., Llorca, P.M. & Brousse, G. (2015) Preventing Alcohol Abuse Through Social Networking Sites: A first Assessment. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17(12), 1–9.
4. Zerhouni, O., Bègue, L., Duke, A. & Flaudias, V. (2016) Dynamic exposure to alcohol advertising in sporting events influences implicit attitudes. Alcoholism: Experimental and Clinical Research, 40(2):422-8.
5. Hagger, M. S., Chatzisarantis, N. L. D., Alberts, H., Angonno, C. O., Batailler, C., Birt, A., Zerhouni, O., Zwienenberg, M. (2016). A multi-lab pre-registered replication of the ego-depletion effect. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 11(4).
6. Zerhouni, O., Rougier, M., & Muller, D. (2016) "Who (really) is Charlie?” French cities with lower implicit prejudice toward Muslims demonstrated larger participation rates in Charlie Hebdo rallies. International Review of Social Psychology, 29(1).
7. Lalot, F., Zerhouni, O., & Pinelli, M. (2017). "I Wanna Be the Very Best!” Agreableness and Perseverance Predict Sustained Playing to Pokémon Go: A Longitudinal Study. Games for Health Journal: Research, Development, and Clinical Applications, 6(5).
8. Bertin, C., Zerhouni, O., Perriot, J., De Chazeron, I., Brousse, G. & Flaudias, V. (2017) Relationship between tobacco craving and quality of life among French students: Results of a cross-sectional study Substance Use & Misuse, 12;53(6):942-948.
9. Zerhouni, O., Bègue, L. Comiran, F. & Wiers, R. (2018) Controlled and implicit processes in evaluative conditioning on implicit and explicit attitudes toward alcohol and intentions to drink. Addictive Behaviors, 76(March 2017), 335–342.
10. Zerhouni, O., & Lepage, J. (2018): “Paint it black”: chronic emotion regulation difficulties enhance evaluative conditioning effect when CSs are paired with highly arousing negative USs. Journal of Individual Differences.
11. Lepage, J., Bègue, L. Zerhouni, O., Courset, R. & Mermillod, M. (2018) Influence of Heart Rate Variability and Self-Regulatory Fatigue on Obedience to Authority. Cognition & Emotion, Mar 5:1-17.
12. O’Donnell, M., Nelson, L.,...Zerhouni, O., & Zrubka, R. (2018) Registered Replication Report: Dijksterhuis & van Knippenberg (1998). Perspective on Psychological Science, 13(2) 268–294.
13. Lalot, F., Quiamzade, A., & Zerhouni, O. (2018) Regulatory focus and self-determination motives interact to predict students’ nutrition habit intentions. Journal of Experimental Psychology : Applied
14. Brousse, G., Zerhouni, O.., Perriot, J., Bègue, L., & Flaudias, V. (2018) Editorial : Paquet neutre : l’étude qui fait tousser les tabacologues. L’Encéphale.
15. Green, J. A., Zerhouni, O.., & Gauchet, A. (2019) Contrasting implicit and explicit measures of attitudes to complementary and alternative medicines. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 34: 105-108.
16. Boffo, M., Zerhouni, O., van Beek, R., Maarsman, M.... & Wiers, R. (2019) A Bayesian and Frequentist Hierarchical Mixed Model Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Cognitive Bias Modification on substance-related cognitions and consumption. Neuropsychology Review.
17. Zerhouni, O., Houben, K., Rutte, N., Werkam, E., & Wiers, R. (2019) I didn’t feel like drinking, but I guess why: evaluative conditioning changes on explicit attitudes toward alcohol and healthy foods depends on contingency awareness. Learning & Motivation.
18. Besson, T*., Lalot, F., Bochard, N., Flaudias, V., & Zerhouni, O. (2019) The calories underestimation of “organic” food: Exploring the impact of implicit evaluations. Appetite.
19. Zerhouni, O., Bègue, L., & O’Brien, K. (2019) How alcohol advertising and sponsorship works: effects through indirect measures. Drug and Alcohol Review.
20. Zerhouni, O., Girod, C., & Flaudias, V. (2019). Free-will and alcohol consumption impact on the estimation of responsibility on a judgment task. Substance Use & Misuse.
21. Lalot, F., Zerhouni, O., Cantarella, M., Joly, E., Quiamzade, A., Falomir-Pichastor, J.M., Desrichard, O. & Bègue, L. (2019) Assessing the Need for Uniqueness: translation and validation in French of the Need for Uniqueness (NU) and Self-Attributed Need for Uniqueness (SANU) scales. Journal of Personality Assessment, 13:1-11.
22. Flaudias, V., Zerhouni, O., Pires, S., Schmitt, A., de Chazeron, I., Llorca, P.M., & Brousse, G. (2020). Reducing attentional bias in alcohol dependent patients with a touch pad application: a randomized controlled trial pilot study. Alcohol & Alcoholism.
23. Dang, J., Zerhouni, O., Imhoff, R.,…. & Zhang, Y. (2020). Multi-Lab Replication Reveals A Small but Significant Ego Depletion Effect. Social Psychology and Personality Science.
24. Zerhouni, O., Bègue, L., Sarda, E., & Gentile, S. (2020). Shaken & Stirred: effect alcohol portrayals in movies on attitudes toward alcohol and self-alcohol associations. Journal of Substance Use.
25. Zerhouni, O., Bègue, L., Sarda, E., & Gentile, S. (2020). Self-regulation failure reduces the impact of exposure to alcohol portrayals in movies on implicit attitudes and self-alcohol associations. The Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied.
26. Bouguettaya, A., Lynott, D., Carter, A., Zerhouni, O., Meyer, S., Ladegaard, I., Gardner, J., & O’Brien, K.S. (2020) The relationship between gambling advertising and gambling attitudes, intentions, and behaviours: a critical and meta-analytic review. Current Opinion in Behavioral Science.
27. Lepage, J., Bègue, L., Zerhouni, O., Besson, T., Bonneterre, S., Vezirian, K., & Mermillod, M. (2020). Authoritarian Attitudes Are Associated With Higher Autonomic Reactivity to Stress and Lower Recovery. Emotion.
28. Flaudias, V., Zerhouni, O., Pires, S., Schmitt, A., de Chazeron, I., Llorca, P.M., & Brousse, G. (2020). Evaluation de l’efficacité d’une application smartphone sur la réduction du biais attentionnel à l’alcool chez des étudiants. Alcoologie et Addictologie.
29. Bègue, L., Zerhouni, O., & Jobard, F. (2020) Intoxicated aggression: an experimental analysis of sentencing in general population and in a large sample of judges in France and Germany. International Criminal Justice Review.
30. Flaudias, V., Iceta, S., Zerhouni, O., Rodgers, R., Billieux, J., Llorca, P-M, Boudesseul, J., de Chazeron, I., Romo, L., Maurage, P., Samalin, L., Bègue, L., Naassila, M., Brousse, G., Guillaume, S., (2020). COVID-19 pandemic lockdown and problematic eating behaviors in a student population. Journal of Behavioral Addictions.
31. Lemercier-Dugarin, M., Romo, L., Tijus, C., & Zerhouni, O., (accepted) Who are the Cyka Blyat?” How empathy, impulsivity and motivations to play predict aggressive behaviors in multiplayer online games, Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
Articles publiés non-soumis à expertise
1. Zerhouni, O., Bègue, L. & Shankland, L. (2014) Response: Were James Bond’s drinks shaken because of alcohol induced tremor? BMJ ;247 : f7255
Chapitres d’ouvrages (invités)
Chapitres d'ouvrages
1. Zerhouni, O. & Bègue, L. (2013a). Conditionnement évaluatif : état des lieux et perspectives. In L. Bègue and O. Desrichard (Ed.), Traité de Psychologie Sociale, Publisher : de Boeck.
2. Zerhouni, O. & Bègue, L. (2013b). Médias, publicité et consommation d’alcool In book : Publicité et santé, des liaisons dangereuses ? Le point de vue de la psychologie, Chapter: Médias, publicité et consommation d’alcool, Publisher: In Press, Editors: Blanc
3. Wiers, R.W., Zerhouni, O., Den Uyl, T., & Boffo, M. (2020). Cognitive Bias Modification for Addiction; In book: Cognition and Addiction: A Researcher’s Guide from Mechanisms Towards Interventions”, Publisher: Elsevier, Editors: Verdejo-Garcia
4. Zerhouni, O. (in press). Skinner et le Behaviorisme ; In book : Les grands psychologues de la formation des adultes”, Publisher : Dunod, Editors : Philippe Carré
Maître de conférences HDR
Mis à jour le 21 décembre 2020
Broadly speaking, I am interested in how self-regulatory processes, such as self-control or emotion regulation, moderate evaluative learning. One of my objectives is to use social cognition theory to create cognitive remediation procedures and prevention programs targeting addictive behaviours. I am also interested in the psychology of politically motivated behaviour and developping integrative theoretical models of processes studied in social cognition through the neurophysiology of stress.