Version française / Annuaire du personnel
Francoise Kral
Enseignant-chercheur / Enseignante-chercheuse
Disciplines enseignées
- Master 1 et 2 Cultures Monde ("De Babel au global", "'Polyglosser' l'anglais et la diversité des langues" , "L'art en mondialité")
- Séminaire de Master "Literature on the Move : Anglophone Voices across the globe" ( les littératures diasporées, mother tongues/ other tongues, les imaginaires du monde globalisé et ses résiliences littéraires, linguistiques, "la colère des langues")
- Séminaire de Master "Littératures des minorités"
Thèmes de recherche
J'encadre des travaux de recherche sur les thématiques suivantes:
- La littérature diasporée, les littératures de l'exil
- Ecritures exophones
- Le roman contemporain
- Les littératures post-coloniales (Australie, Inde, Caraïbe, literature of the middle passage)
- Les récits de voyage
- L'écriture en colère
- Homes in fiction and fictions of home
- Récits photographiques et muséologie
- Law and literature studies; droit au récit
- Partition narratives and films
Curriculum Vitae
Elle est l'auteure de trois monographies sur la littérature diasporée, Critical Identities in Contemporary Anglophone Diasporic Literature (Palgrave, 2009), Social Invisibility in Anglophone Literature and Culture: The Fractal Gaze (Palgrave, 2014) and Sounding out History : Caryl Phillips's Crossing the River (2017). Elle a dirigé et co-dirigé plusieurs ouvrages collectifs dont un numéro de The Journal of Postcolonial Writing, vol. 55, N°6, Diasporic Trajectories: Charting New Critical Perspectives.
Ses travaux actuels portent sur les poétiques de la mondialité littéraire, lire et écrire en mondialité, les hégémonies neo-impériales et la colère des langues.
Françoise Král is Professor of English and Postcolonial studies. Her publications include three monographs in the field of diaspora studies, Critical Identities in Contemporary Anglophone Diasporic Literature (Palgrave, 2009) Social Invisibility in Anglophone Diasporic Literature and Culture: The Fractal Gaze (Palgrave, 2014) and Sounding out History: Caryl Phillips's Crossing the River (Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre, 2017). She has co-edited two books Re-presenting Otherness: Mapping the Colonial ‘Self’ /Mapping the indigenous ‘other’ in the literatures of Australia and New Zealand (Publidix, 2004) and Architecture and Philosophy: New Perspectives on the Work of Arakawa and Gins (co-edited with Jean-Jacques Lecercle, Rodopi, 2011) and guest-edited an issue of Commonwealth, Essays and Studies, Crossings (37.1 autumn 2014) and of The Journal of Postcolonial Writing, vol. 55, N°6, special issue, Diasporic Trajectories: Charting New Critical Perspectives (co-dir.)
Informations complémentaires
Critical Identities in Contemporary Anglophone Diasporic Literature (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009)
Social Invisibility in Anglophone Diasporic Literature and Culture: The Fractal Gaze (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014)
Sounding out History: Caryl Phillips's Crossing the River (Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre, 2017)
Ouvrages collectifs:
Re-presenting Otherness, Mapping the Colonial "Self", Mapping the Indigenous "Other" in the Literatures of Australia and New Zealand (dir.) Nanterre: Publidix, 2005.
Numéros de revues
Crossings, Commonwealth, Essays and Studies, vol. 37.1, automne 2014.
Inhabiting the Voids of History in the Works of Caryl Phillips, Polygraphiques 4/2018, Presses Universitaires de Rouen.
Journal of Postcolonial Writing, vol. 55 N°6 Numéro special, Diasporic Trajectories : Charting New Critical Perspectives, (co-ed.) volume 55, 2019, issue 6
Articles récents
« Polyglossing in English : The Diasporic Trajectories of the English Language.” Journal of Postcolonial Writing vol 5 n°6 2019, Special issue, Diasporic Trajectories, Charting New Critical Perspectives. (eds Françoise Král, Sam Coombes, Corinne Bigot)
“Diasporic Trajectories, Charting New Critical Perspectives” (introduction critique) Journal of Postcolonial Writing vol 5 n°6 2019, Special issue, Diasporic Trajectories, Charting New Critical Perspectives (eds Françoise Král, Sam Coombes, Corinne Bigot).
"Thresholds of In/visibility and the Scopic Power of Literature", in Contemporary Literature and Social Invisibility, ed. Gero Guttzeit, Zeitschrift für Anglistik, De Gruyter, 2024.
"Diaspora", The Routledge Handbook of Literary Geographies, ed. Neal Alexander and David Cooper, London: Taylor and Francis, 2024.
Mis à jour le 05 septembre 2024