(c) Bill Watterson / Calvin & Hobbes

Anne Bobin begue, Begue

Enseignant-chercheur / Enseignante-chercheuse


Maître de Conférences en Psychologie du Développement Psychologue


Bâtiment Delbo bureau 110 Université Paris Nanterre 200 avenue de la République 92001 Nanterre Cedex France
01 40 97 74 70
01 40 97 74 70
Site personnel


Psychologie, Psychologie, psychologie clinique, psychologie sociale

Thèmes de recherche

Temps et mouvements, système vestibulaire

en construction

Sommeil du tout petit

en construction

Dynamique des interactions bébé parents

Rôle de la dynamique temporelle, du système vestibulaire et des échanges vocaux

Curriculum Vitae

Articles de revues

  • [hal-04484251] Spontaneous tempo production in cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) and jungle crows (Corvus macrorhyncos)
    29 février 2024
    Musical and rhythmical abilities are poorly documented in non-human animals. Most of the existing studies focused on synchronisation performances to external rhythms. In humans, studies demonstrated that rhythmical processing (e. g. rhythm discrimination or synchronisation to external rhythm) is dependent of an individual measure: the individual tempo. It is assessed by asking participants to produce an endogenous isochronous rhythm (known as spontaneous motor tempo) without any specific instructions nor temporal cue. In non-human animal literature, studies describing spontaneous and endogenous production of motor tempo without any temporal clue are rare. This exploratory study aims to describe and compare the spontaneous motor tempo of cockatiels and jungle crows. Data were collected on spontaneous beak drumming behaviours of birds housed in laboratory. Inter beak strokes intervals were calculated from sound tracks of videos. The analyses revealed that inter beak strokes intervals are non-randomly distributed intervals and are isochronous. Recorded spontaneous motor tempos are significantly different among some cockatiels. Since we could only conduct statistical analysis with one corvid, we cannot conclude about this species. Our results suggest that cockatiels and jungle crows have individual tempos, thus encouraging further investigations.
  • [hal-03970690] Performing spontaneous motor tempo improves children's attentional performance
    2 février 2023
    Most children move rhythmically when they are focused on a task, whereas they are expected to remain still. Yet, Dynamic Attention Theory provides a theoretical framework to support the hypothesis that producing a spontaneous motor tempo can improve attentional performance. We therefore developed an experimental procedure designed to test this effect in the ecological context of classroom work: 64 8-year-old children participated in a 3-session, whole-class experiment. Each session began with a preliminary movement phase (spontaneous tempo with the hand or with the head or without movement). Then, in a second phase, the children completed one of three versions of the d2 attentional test. Our results showed that only the spontaneous tempo with hand condition significantly improved attentional performance. This protocol shows that it is possible to adapt teaching practices to allow children to mobilize their attention through these movements without disrupting classroom functioning.
  • [hal-03235566] Quel développement psychomoteur et social des bébés en Maison d’Accompagnement Parents Enfants (MAPE) ? Une question partagée des MAPE et de la pédopsychiatrie périnatale
    22 juillet 2024
    Quel développement psychomoteur et social des bébés en Maison d'Accompagnement Parents Enfants (MAPE) ? Une question partagée des MAPE et de la pédopsychiatrie périnatale What psychomotor and social development of babies in the parent and childcare center? A shared question of parent and childcare centers and perinatal child psychiatry
  • [hal-02952596] Le tempo, fondement des compétences musicales et support du développement sociocognitif
    5 octobre 2020
    La musique est un objet sonore complexe mais qui repose sur une organisation temporelle très régulière. Cette caractéristique forte permet, lorsqu’elle est maîtrisée, d’anticiper les événements et de s’y synchroniser. La littérature scientifique souligne que l’être humain a une capacité à traiter ces régularités sur la base d’un tempo interne qui caractérise chaque individu. Bon nombre d’études chez l’adulte, l’enfant et le bébé montrent que le tempo interne oriente efficacement l’attention vers les objets ou événements importants. Au cours des premières années, pendant lesquelles cette compétence temporelle se développe, le jeune enfant baigne déjà dans un milieu riche en régularités temporelles multimodales, en produit de nombreuses et est soutenu dans son développement par ses partenaires sociaux privilégiés. Ces derniers lui proposent des interactions aux régularités temporelles saillantes qui lui permettent d’orienter son attention pour développer ses compétences cognitives et sociales.
  • [hal-01643578] Soutenir l’élaboration de la relation parent-enfant en cas de prématurité
    22 novembre 2017
    L’évolution de la prise en charge de la prématurité met à jour un écueil particulier, celui d’un développement de la parentalité et de la relation parents-bébé entravé par une naissance trop précoce z Les conséquences à court et à long termes des perturbations de ces deux dimensions en font des enjeux majeurs dans la prise en charge institutionnelle des parents et de leur enfant prématuré.
  • [hal-01586927] Update on Mental Health of Infants and Children of Parents Affected With Mental Health Issues
    13 septembre 2017
    This paper highlights the most recent publications, in the field of psychiatry, on offspring of patients with psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and then summarizes what we know about the progeny of adults with mood disorders, the most prevalent of parental disorders. Studies examining personality disorders and contextual factors such as stress and trauma are examined with a focus on the crucial question of development and attachment status in children. Findings converge to reveal that offspring of parents (generally mothers) with most major psychiatric disorders present a higher risk for all mental disorders, and a wide range of disorders are also found in children, adolescent, and finally adult offspring of mothers with mood and anxiety disorders. Developmental psychopathology and infant and child psychiatry have focused on early relationship formation through social interaction and attachment patterns as pathways affected by vulnerability or resilience factors. First year of life longitudinal studies following mothers and infants has shown that maternal psychopathology is positively correlated with higher risk of attachment issues. It would seem that pathology appears when adaptation to real-life contexts becomes difficult in association with an accumulation of negative individual characteristics and environmental circumstances. We suggest that in order to move forward psychiatry should embrace a developmental cascade model, which posits a cumulative pathway for the emergence of psychopathology in the developing child. We propose that we have sufficient knowledge today to start implementing multilevel approaches to enhance the health and mental health of the next generation.
  • [hal-01645039] La liaison en « Périnatalogie » : des soins entre réseau, liaison et prise en charge mobile
    22 novembre 2017
    La période périnatale amène les (futures) mères à rencontrer régulièrement des professionnels de la santé et constitue de ce fait un moment privilégié pour identifier les signes de vulnérabilité et pour initier des mesures préventives et/ou thérapeutiques pour ces patientes qui sont dans une phase de sensibilité psychique plus importante. La présente étude a pour premier objectif de déterminer si l’unité de psychiatrie d’urgence en maternité PPUMMA a répondu aux besoins qui ont conduits à sa création en s’appuyant sur la description de 8 années d’activité. Un second objectif est d’analyser les diagnostics posés sur la totalité de la période puis de les mettre en perspective dans leur évolution entre les premières années de fonctionnement et les plus récentes. Méthodes. – À partir de ce constat et en lien avec les professionnels de la périnatalité, une équipe de liaison en psychiatrie périnatale (PPUMMA) a été créée pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques à cette période. L’analyse des données a été effectuée sur l’activité de l’unité entre 2008 et 2015, soit 1817 nouvelles patientes. Résultats. – Une majorité des demandes est faite au cours de la période anténatale et est suivie d’une prise en charge rapide, conformément à l’objectif de prévention du dispositif, et grâce notamment au travail en réseau. On observe une sur-représentation des patientes de moins de 20 ans et des plus de 40 ans. Les diagnostics posés suite à la prise en charge révèlent une forte proportion de troubles de la personnalité et du comportement chez l’adulte. Conclusions. – L’ensemble des données souligne l’importance de la détection et de la prise en charge précoce à cette période de la vie. La psychiatrie de liaison dans ce cadre favorise le repérage efficace de troubles maternels sévères et à plus long terme permettent la prévention des risques psychiatriques pour l’enfant.
  • [hal-04559319] Update on mental health of infants and children of parents affected with mental health issues
    25 avril 2024
    This paper highlights the most recent publications, in the field of psychiatry, on offspring of patients with psychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and then summarizes what we know about the progeny of adults with mood disorders, the most prevalent of parental disorders. Studies examining personality disorders and contextual factors such as stress and trauma are examined with a focus on the crucial question of development and attachment status in children. Findings converge to reveal that offspring of parents (generally mothers) with most major psychiatric disorders present a higher risk for all mental disorders, and a wide range of disorders are also found in children, adolescent, and finally adult offspring of mothers with mood and anxiety disorders. Developmental psychopathology and infant and child psychiatry have focused on early relationship formation through social interaction and attachment patterns as pathways affected by vulnerability or resilience factors. First year of life longitudinal studies following mothers and infants has shown that maternal psychopathology is positively correlated with higher risk of attachment issues. It would seem that pathology appears when adaptation to real-life contexts becomes difficult in association with an accumulation of negative individual characteristics and environmental circumstances. We suggest that in order to move forward psychiatry should embrace a developmental cascade model, which posits a cumulative pathway for the emergence of psychopathology in the developing child. We propose that we have sufficient knowledge today to start implementing multilevel approaches to enhance the health and mental health of the next generation.
  • [hal-01478458] Langage adressé au bébé et exploration visuelle chez le bébé de 4,5 mois : mise en évidence d'un effet de genre
    28 février 2017
    Plusieurs recherches ont montré les liens entre le langage adressé au bébé (LAB) et l’attention visuelle du bébé. Le langage adressé au bébé (LAB) est une forme particulière de langage auquel le bébé est très tôt sensible et qui joue un rôle essentiel dans l’acquisition du langage et dans le développement sociocognitif en général. La présente recherche cherche à déterminer si le bébé explore des zones différentes du visage en fonction du langage qui y est associé. L’enjeu est de mieux appréhender les liens entre la manière dont l’adulte s’adresse au bébé et l’attention visuelle que le bébé lui porte en retour, liens essentiels dans la compréhension des interactions précoces. Sujets et méthode: L’échantillon est constitué de 18 bébés de 4,5 mois auxquels ont été présentées 4 séquences vidéo d’une femme parlant « bébé » ou « adulte » (diffusées avec et sans la bande sonore). Les données recueillies sont les temps de regard sur le visage présenté en distinguant la zone des yeux de celle de la bouche. L’exploration visuelle du bébé a été enregistrée au moyen d’un système de poursuite oculaire (Tobii 2150). Résultats et conclusion: Les résultats mettent en évidence une exploration visuelle plus importante lorsque le son accompagne l’image, et une préférence pour la zone des yeux, ainsi que plusieurs effets d’interaction impliquant tous les facteurs genre des bébés. Ces résultats soulèvent la question de l’intérêt qui doit être porté à la direction du regard vers le partenaire, le regard ayant une dimension particulière bien avant que le bébé ne soit théoriquement capable de « lire » un regard référentiel. Ils posent par ailleurs la question de l’impact du genre sur la nature même des interactions précoces. Une connaissance plus précise des informations qui focalisent l’attention visuelle du bébé en situation de communication et une meilleure connaissance de l’effet de genre permettrait de dépister de façon plus spécifique les troubles précoces de la communication et d’adapter efficacement leur prise en charge clinique. / Infant directed speech (IDS) is a simplified form of language known to capture infant visual attention. IDS is an early form of communication to which infants are particularly sensitive beginning at birth and play an essential part in the acquisition of language and in the development of social cognition. The present research aims at determining whether an infant as young as 4.5 months explores different face zones of a person talking to her when the form of speech employed is either IDS or adult directed speech (ADS). We wish to bring more insight in the relation between the way an adult talks to an infant and the infant's visual attention, such a relation being a central tenet to understanding early interactions. Methods : Eighteen 4.5 month-old infants were presented videos of a woman talking either IDS or ADS, each video played with and without soundtrack. The total time focused respectively on eye areas and mouth area was collected with an eye-tracking system (Tobii 2150). Results and conclusion : Results showed evidence of more visual exploration when the soundtrack was played as opposed to silence while exploration focused more on the eye area. Moreover, interaction effects were observed involving a gender effect. These results raise the question of the importance of infant's gaze and attention directed to the face, and specifically to the eyes of the partner. Indeed, eyes of a talking face seem of great importance at 4.5 months of age, i.e., long before an infant is known to be able to interpret a referential gaze. Our results also add to the gender effect differences found in early interactions between infant and social partners. A better understanding of what infant attention focuses on in a communication-oriented situation, including infant gender impact, would not only help to detect early parent-infant communication distortions but add to a more adapted and efficient clinical follow-up.
  • [hal-04246761] Langage adressé au bébé et exploration visuelle chez le bébé de 4,5mois : mise en évidence d’un effet de genre
    17 octobre 2023
    Background & aim. – Infant directed speech (IDS) is a simplified form of language known to capture infant visual attention. IDS is an early form of communication to which infants are particularly sensitive beginning at birth and play an essential part in the acquisition of language and in the development of social cognition. The present research aims at determining whether an infant as young as 4.5 months explores different face zones of a person talking to her when the form of speech employed is either IDS or adult directed speech (ADS). We wish to bring more insight in the relation between the way an adult talks to an infant and the infant’s visual attention, such a relation being a central tenet to understanding early interactions. Methods. – Eighteen 4.5 month-old infants were presented videos of a woman talking either IDS or ADS, each video played with and without soundtrack. The total time focused respectively on eye areas and mouth area was collected with an eye-tracking system (Tobii 2150). Results and conclusion. – Results showed evidence of more visual exploration when the soundtrack was played as opposed to silence while exploration focused more on the eye area. Moreover, interaction effects were observed involving a gender effect. These results raise the question of the importance of infant’s gaze and attention directed to the face, and specifically to the eyes of the partner. Indeed, eyes of a talking face seem of great importance at 4.5 months of age, i.e., long before an infant is known to be able to interpret a referential gaze. Our results also add to the gender effect differences found in early interactions between infant and social partners. A better understanding of what infant attention focuses on in a communication-oriented situation, including infant gender impact, would not only help to detect early parent-infant communication distortions but add to a more adapted and efficient clinical follow-up.
  • [hal-04133300] Young children’s difficulties in switching from rhythm production to temporal interval production (>1 s)
    19 juin 2023
    This study examined the young children's abilities to switch from rhythm production, with short inter-tap intervals (ITIs), to temporal interval production, with long ITI (>1 s), in a sensorimotor synchronization task. Children aged 3-and 5-year-olds were given six sessions of synchronization. In a control group, they had to synchronize their ITI to an inter-stimulus interval (ISI) of 4 s. In the experimental group, they must progressively increase their ITI for one session to the next (from 0.4 to 4.0-s ISI). Our results showed that the 5-yearolds produced longer ITI that the 3-year-olds in synchronization. However, the value of ITI in the 5-year-olds never exceeded 1.5 s, with more variable ITI in the control than in the experimental group. In addition, at 5 years, boys had more difficulties than girls in changing their tapping rhythm. These results suggest a temporal window in sensorimotor synchronization, beyond which the rhythm is lost and the synchronization becomes difficult.
  • [hal-01478464] Young Children's Difficulties in Switching from Rhythm Production to Temporal Interval Production (>1 S)
    28 février 2017
    This study examined the young children's abilities to switch from rhythm production, with short 15 Inter-Taps Intervals (ITI), to temporal interval production, with long ITI (> 1 s), in a sensorimotor synchronization task. Children aged 3 and 5 years old were given 6 sessions of synchronization. In a control group, they had to synchronize their ITI to an Inter-Stimulus Interval (ISI) of 4 s. In the experimental group, they must progressively increase their ITI for one session to the next (from 0.4-s to 4.0-s ISI). Our results showed that the 5-year-olds produced longer ITI that the 3-year-olds in synchronization. However, the value of ITI in the 5-year-olds never exceeded 1.5 s, with more variable ITI in the control than in the experimental group. In addition, at 5 years, boys had more difficulties than girls in changing their tapping rhythm. These results suggest a temporal window in sensorimotor synchronization, beyond which the rhythm is lost and the synchronization becomes difficult.
  • [hal-01480097] Effects of Familiarity and Attentiveness of Partner on 6-Month-Old Infants' Social Engagement
    1 mars 2017
    This study presents an ecological experiment investigating 6-month-olds' social engagement. Results show that infants look and smile more at a socially attending distant partner than at an inattentive partner and that their looking and smiling behavior is different when the inattentive partner is their mother.
  • [hal-02887838] Régulation rythmique avant 4 ans : effet d'un tempo auditif sur le tempo moteur
    2 juillet 2020
    L'objectif de cette étude est d'analyser les capacités de l'enfant âgé de 1 ½ à 3 ½ ans à modifier son tempo moteur spontané (TMS) en fonction de tempi auditifs. Les résultats montrent que le TMS reste constant entre 1 ½ et 3 ½ ans et que, parallèlement, il devient plus régulier. Les enfants les plus âgés modifient leurs rythmes de frappes si le tempo auditif diffère d'au moins 20 % de leurs propres rythmes. La capacité des enfants à ralentir leurs rythmes de frappes se met en place plus tardivement que leur accéléra-tion. Enfin, les modifications du rythme de frappes induisent une modification équivalente du TMS mais transitoire.
  • [hal-01645042] Tempo Discrimination in 3- and 4-year-old children: performances and threshold
    22 novembre 2017
    Durations of less than one second are involved in all kinds of activities, such as music perception or rhythmical production tasks. It is therefore important to know how short durations are processed at a young age. This study aims to define discrimination performance between 3- and 4-year-olds (tempo discrimination). The first 4 years of life are essential for cognitive development and there is little data concerning those years due to the extreme difficulty of finding methods to assess children’s timing performances. Moreover, the results yielded by previous experiments are controversial. Our data revealed that discrimination performances improve significantly within only a few months. The discrimination data from 3 and 4 year-olds are compared to those from older children. The overall results are discussed in a developmental model context.
  • [hal-02887830] Tempo Discrimination in 3-and 4-year-old children: performances and threshold
    2 juillet 2020
    Durations of less than one second are involved in all kinds of activities, such as music perception or rhythmical production tasks. It is therefore important to know how short durations are processed at a young age. This study aims to define discrimination performance between 3-and 4-year-olds (tempo discrimination). The first 4 years of life are essential for cognitive development and there is little data concerning those years due to the extreme difficulty of finding methods to assess children's timing performances. Moreover, the results yielded by previous experiments are controversial. Our data revealed that discrimination performances improve significantly within only a few months. The discrimination data from 3 and 4 year-olds are compared to those from older children. The overall results are discussed in a developmental model context.
  • [hal-01645069] Modifications of Retinal Afferent Activity Induce Changes in Astroglial Plasticity in the Hamster Circadian Clock
    27 novembre 2017
    The circadian clock, located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus in mammals, exhibits astroglial plasticity indicated by GFAP expression over the 24-h period. In this study, we evaluated the role of neuronal retinal input in the observed changes. Modifications of retinal input, either by rearing animals under darkness (DD) or under constant light (LL), or by suppressing afferent input (bilateral enucleation), induced drastic changes in astroglial plasticity. In enucleated animals, a dramatic decrease in GFAP expression was evident in the area of the SCN deprived of retinal projections, whereas persistence of a rhythmic variation was in those areas still exhibiting GFAP expression. By contrast, no changes in astrocytic plasticity were detected in hamsters maintained under LL. These data suggest two fundamental roles for astrocytes within the SCN: (1) to regulate and mediate glutamate released by retinal terminals throughout the neuronal network to facilitate photic signal transmission; (2) to contribute to synchronization between suprachiasmatic neurons. GLIA 34:88 –100, 2001.

Chapitres d'ouvrage
Communications affichées

  • [halshs-01974915] The perception of intention and emotion in non-cry pre-babbling infant vocalizations
    9 janvier 2019
    From the sixth week of life infants start to produce non-distress vocalizations during social exchange, and adults interpret these as communicative expressions. The prosodic qualities of these early vocalizations have not been extensively studied. The aim of this study was to examine some of the factors which lead "naïve" adult listeners to perceive infant vocalization as intentional on the one hand and as expressing emotion on the other hand. A sample of 24 non-distress vocalizations produced in the course of social interaction with a parent was selected for this study. Half of the vocalizations were produced by 6 week-old infants, and half by 18 week-old. The sample was also evenly distributed according to two other factors, duration (short vs. long) and continuity (continuous vs. discontinuous). Pairs of vocalizations were created by varying only one of the 3 factors (age, duration, continuity) at a time. A hundred and ten participants heard a total of 48 pairs of vocalizations presented in counterbalanced trials and were asked to determine which vocalization was more communicative and, on a separate occasion, which expressed greater emotion. Binary response choice was recorded for each stimulus and for each participant. Results show that listeners use different strategies in attributing communicative intent and emotional intensity. It also appeared that older infants' vocalizations were generally perceived as more communicative whereas longer vocalizations were perceived to convey more emotion
  • [hal-01643616] Tempo interne & capacités de synchronisation chez les enfants avec TSA
    21 novembre 2017
    Participants Neurotypique 22 TSA atypique 1 TSA bon niveau 4 TSA sévère 4 TSA typique 3 • Troubles du système circadien • Rythme inadapté des stimulations perçues (trop rapide) • Une plus grande difficulté à produire des tempos réguliers • Tendance des TSA sévères à avoir un tempo interne plus lent • Tempo des TSA perturbé par des stimulations extérieures • De nombreuses pratiques soutenant les comportements sociaux engagent une rythmicité partagée de façon synchrone  Les difficultés des TSA à s'adapter aux rythmes extérieurs sont elles à l'origine de leurs troubles de l'ajustement social ? • Mesuré par le tempo moteur spontané • Hiérarchiquement dépendant du système circadien • Conditionne les capacités à se synchroniser • REMERCIEMENTS À Marion Duchet qui a collecté les données dans le cadre de son mémoire. • Synchronisation avec tempo extérieur identique au tempo interne : légère accélération • Synchronisation avec un tempo plus rapide plus facile qu'avec un tempo plus lent (difficulté à inhiber) • Seuil de synchronisation autour de 15% chez le jeune enfant.
  • [hal-01645074] Synchronisation motrice à un tempo auditif chez le nourrisson
    22 novembre 2017
    Les durées de moins d'une seconde sont impliquées dans un grand nombre d'activités, comme la musique et la production de rythmes. Etre synchronisé avec son environnement est vital pour le développement cognitif, émotionnel et sensori-moteur du jeune enfant. Le but de cette étude est d'explorer le traitement temporel des durées courtes au cours du développement. Par une procédure adaptée aux jeunes enfants, nous avons analysé le tempo moteur spontané (TMS) et la synchronisation rythmique chez les nouveau-nés, les nourrissons et les très jeunes enfants. Les résultats révèlent que les enfants sont capables d'adapter leur réponse motrice à un tempo auditif. Cependant, le type de modification dépend de l'âge et de la nature des informations temporelles présentes dans l'environnement (fréquence du tempo, variation de fréquence par rapport au tempo de base, etc.…). Les résultats sont interprétés en fonction des modèles développementaux d'horloge interne. MOTS-CLÉS Développement, Tempo Moteur Spontané (TMS), production d'intervalles, tâche de synchronisation, tempo auditif.




Mis à jour le 17 avril 2024